My first reaction on hearing that Obama was releasing the long-form version of his birth certificate was that Trump needs to be careful he doesn't pull something, patting himself on the back like that. This was quickly followed by wondering what he and the tea-baggers are going to foam at the mouth about now.
I shouldn't have worried. Donald's now off on a rant about Obama's school records (I guess Magna Cum Laude at Harvard Law's not good enough for The Donald).
And the birthers have simply shifted from "where's the birth certificate" to "nice forgery, dude". (There's at least one jackhole that's convinced Obama's hidden hints as to his 'real' birthplace in this "excellent forgery".)
Which only leaves me with this observation:
I shouldn't have worried. Donald's now off on a rant about Obama's school records (I guess Magna Cum Laude at Harvard Law's not good enough for The Donald).
And the birthers have simply shifted from "where's the birth certificate" to "nice forgery, dude". (There's at least one jackhole that's convinced Obama's hidden hints as to his 'real' birthplace in this "excellent forgery".)
Which only leaves me with this observation:
"No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public." -- Henry Mencken