Seriously… it's 10 questions . Who are you, how old are you, what race are you, what kind of home do you live in and how many people live in your house. Did I miss something? Last week I listened to a radio segment with people sure that the census was going to be used to round up and deport [select your minority group of concern here], to take your guns away (I thought that was gun registration), or to enable the country to house soldiers in your home in times of national emergency (I presume they're going to link the census database with realty databases to determine if you've got more bedrooms than people living in your home). My favorites were the ones complaining about it being unconstitutional, when the Constitution mandates a census be taken every 10 years. (Extra bonus points — and hopefully a special place in hell — if you're a Congressperson making that claim.) People, we've been doing one of these every ten years since we ratified that Constitution. Is...
in my NOT so humble opinion
My rants, raves, comments and criticism—movies, games, politics or the weather. Whatever strikes me at the time.