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Showing posts from February, 2010

A Reassessment…

A few months ago, the random question "I wonder if my blog has been bad for my writing" ran through my head. I'd started blogging several years ago as an answer to journaling. I've never been very good at keeping a journal… I tend to start them under duress ("you're a writer, you're supposed to keep a journal!"), continue plugging away at them for a short while (usually measured in weeks… occasionally ramping up to a month or two) and then abandoning the whole thing as just too much trouble. Whether vanity, or the same feeling that leaves me unlikely to cook dinner if I'm the only one that's going to be eating it, I tend to find keeping a journal a tedious exercise — if I'm the only one that's ever going to read the thing, and it's unlikely I ever WILL, then what's the point?!? Blogging seemed to make sense as an alternative to journaling, as it provides a place to go and write about whatever's on your mind, but has a ...