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I only have two questions…

I just saw that S. Darko, a direct-to-DVD release sequel to Donnie Darko is coming out this week.

I have to ask, "How?"

And, perhaps more to the point, "Why?"

Without having seen the movie, I can hardly speak to its quality (or lack thereof — though its direct-to-DVD status should say something), but it seems like the first movie pretty much covered that particular story, and any sequel has got to be stretching it to make a connection to the previous one. Maybe it's just me looking for logic where commerce is involved.

But did Donnie Darko really do that well (cult status notwithstanding) to justify the "cashing in on the DVD market" approach? One has to wonder. (Although, judging by the prominently displayed "Donnie Darko 2-Packs" I guess we must assume "yes".)

Reading the IMDB synopsis, I can get an idea of the "how," though that certainly doesn't address the "why." And it doesn't leave me with any great confidence regarding that whole "quality" question, either.
