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Showing posts from April, 2009

Swine FLU!!!!

'cause it can't be spoken about without the attending panic, of course. My favorite headline of the week… Scientists see this flu strain as relatively mild Take a deep breath, everyone, and step away from the abyss.

Wait… the Trilateral Commission is REAL?!?

Years ago (more years than I'm willing to cop to today), a couple of my more paranoid friends went off on a RANT about the evils of the Trilateral Commission — this "secret world government" that was responsible for all the evils we, "the common man", experience at the hands of government and big industry. They selected who was going to be elected, what their policies and practices would be, who would succeed and fail… They were the ultimate political bogeyman. This insanity immediately relegated the Trilateral Commission to a place somewhere between Area 51 and the Illuminati in that whole 'mythical secrets of the modern world' area of my brain. Last week I googled the Trilateral Commission (I was looking for a reference to one of these mythical constructs) and lo and behold, it exists ! Not only that, but all the bugaboos and scary notions that had my friends so worked up ("founded by Rockerfeller", the 'trilateral' American, Euro...

Freaking Doomsday!

Last summer, for about a week and a half, Doomsday played in theatres. All I really remember was a really crappy trailer that left me totally uninterested and wondering why anyone bothered with another tedious Mad Max clone.  But several times in the past few months, I've heard people talking about this movie and how great it was and, while I assumed it was something in the "great cult film" genre, I decided to check it out last week. (Perhaps if I'd realized it was from Neil Marshall, the guy responsible for The Descent , I'd have paid a little more attention, bad trailer and all.)  Rather than a simple Mad Max knockoff, Doomsday is like some glorious mash-up of Road Warrior, Robin Hood, and every post-apocalyptic zombie movie from the last 10 year, with a little dash of Python-esque humor thrown in. It's also got a callback to 28 Days Later that anyone familiar with THAT film will enjoy.  The first half-hour or so is pretty straightforward 'end of the ...