A friend of mine took me to task last week for not commenting on the House passage of a bill levying a 90% tax on bonuses granted by companies receiving the Federal banking bail-out funding. I had to admit to him that I hadn't been paying much attention to the news recently, so knew nothing about it till he grilled me about it. But I also opined that, since it was directed at those particular companies, I wasn't too torn up about it. (I've already stated I'm not particularly taken by any of their arguments justifying the massive bonuses being paid out at this time.) He argued 'slippery slope' — "give the government an inch, they'll take a mile." I told him I understood the sentiment behind the bill and, while I might not be 100% behind the idea, I wasn't ready to storm the barricades protesting it. Then I read this in an article from Saturday's LA Times: BONUS BACKLASH RIPS INTO WALL ST. Rep. Brad Sherman (DSherman Oaks) said he was prepari...
in my NOT so humble opinion
My rants, raves, comments and criticism—movies, games, politics or the weather. Whatever strikes me at the time.