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The "Eye Candy Expo?"

For the past few weeks, I've seen a billboard off the 105, featuring a rather plastic-looking blond, advertising the upcoming Eye Candy Expo, and each time I see it I can only think, "Seriously?".

Are we (and I'm referring to my entire gender here) so desperate for a look at hot chicks in skimpy outfits that we need an entire weekend at the convention center dedicated to that idea? (The successful proliferation of adult web sites, men's magazines and gentleman's clubs should be enough to make that question rhetorical, I suppose.)

After visiting the site, I begin to see the genius behind this idea. The organizers of this event have obviously seen the way the booth babes and swimsuit models at trade shows and conventions are mobbed each year by glassy-eyed convention attendees looking for a moment with the pretty girl, and figured out a way to capitalize on this concept. There's a $35 fee to attend all three days ($50 for VIP treatment), which gets you access to the Expo, with all the swimsuit, trade show and Internet models you can wish for. The girls will gladly let you take pictures (for a fee), sign autographs (for a fee) and the Expo will even print pics from your digital camera (for a fee, of course). And obviously, those convention organizers get a piece of that action.

So they've found a way to make money off the Eye Candy provided at every trade show in existence, without needing ANY product to justify the existence of the Expo. Suddenly, that vapid, plastic-looking blond looks a lot more cunning than I'd originally thought.
