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Blissfull Ignorance?

I know I've been avoiding commenting on the Pres. for a while. What's the point, I figure? He's done the majority of the damage he can, we've got less than a year left of his bullshit, and it just makes me angry to listen to the prevaricating asshole. So why should I pay attention and stress myself out, right?

Sadly, sometimes I can't avoid it. Like last week, when the moron-in-chief was asked about recession and replied with the equivalent of "Recession? What recession?" Then followed that up with a reply to a question about $4 a gallon gas prices with something along the lines of "I haven't heard anything about $4 a gallon gas prices." Yeah, George, like we're looking to you for an informative grasp on the issues.

But, while I can embrace the notion of blissful ignorance (hence my refusal to listen to the bastard for the past few months), even THIS moron shouldn't get a free ride on this stuff. Gas prices have gone up 45 cents IN A MONTH! And, considering how connected he, his family and, most likely everyone in his close circle of friends and advisers are to Big Oil, I find it hard to believe that he couldn't be aware of rising gas prices, if for no other reason than that it probably means bigger profits and more money for the lot of them.

Sure, as President, you don't want to be the one to come out and admit that, despite all your efforts to keep the rich making money, we're sliding into recession, and that your administration's presided over the biggest increase in gas prices in US history, but playing dumb, even for George W. Bush, shouldn't fucking be an option! You'd think his handlers could come up with something slightly less "let them eat cake" than that for him to say.

God I despise that man.
