Much has been made of the nausea-inducing handheld camera work in the monsters-invading-New York movie Cloverfield . Reviews recommending that you sit towards the back of the theater, especially if you're susceptible to motion sickness, movie theaters posting signs, recommending the same… and a huge second week drop-off in ticket sales that, one assumes, has more to do with the nausea factor than any bad word of mouth. Because, say what you will about the movie's overwhelming conceit , you can't say it's not an effective one. (See meanings 3a and b — you're choice as to whether it's fanciful or strained in this case will, most likely, stem from your actual appreciation of said conceit.) I, generally, don't care much for hand held camera work (as I've stated, more than once ). But I not only didn't mind it this time, I found it incredibly effective and a great storytelling tool. This time around, the camera work is more in the style of Blair Witch Pr...