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Politics rears it's ugly head

I've REALLY been trying to avoid getting political lately. ALl it seems to do these days is make me angry, frustrated, annoyed and a generally hateful individual. But let's face it, the '08 campaigns are in full swing, and the California primary (along with, seemingly, most of the rest of the country) is only weeks away.

It's not like I've had too much to stress about right now. The Democrats would have to run the second coming of Josef Stalin for me to consider voting Republican, so I don't even care who they're voting for right now. So it's really just a question of whether I want to vote for Hilary or Obama, right?

And then along comes Iowa. I've really done a fine job of ignoring those damn Republicans — yadda, yadda, John McCain… mumble, mumble; Mit Romney… Don't care, don't trust either of you, so I don't need to know what you're going to say. But then along comes the uproar about Mit being a Mormon (and his disingenuous "don't hate me for being Mormon" defense), followed by the rise of Mike Huckabee. And suddenly I realize, as Huckabee takes the lead in Iowa, that it's not just the lunatic fringe of the Republican party that's decided they don't like that whole "separation of Church and State" thing. (Though I guess I shouldn't be surprised to find a lot of flat-earthers in Iowa.)

Maybe we should give Huckabee credit for not being a prevaricating p.o.s. like our current Commander in Chief (with his "nothing's been determined yet" response to questions of evolution vs. creation), but I'm frankly not particularly comfortable with a former Baptist minister who doesn't believe in evolution as our next president.

(Since beginning this post, Huckabee's won Iowa, but been a distant third in every primary since. McCain and Hilary won their New Hampshire primaries, Romney picked up Michigan this week, so "all is right with the world" once again. I can relax, for the nonce, about Republican lunacy and try to figure out how I'm voting come Feb. 5. Clinton or Obama? It's an interesting choice. Should be an interesting year.)
