The production team for the Harry Potter films has it rough. They're sitting on the rights to the best selling book series of all time, and they've made a series of highly successful adaptations of the first books in the series. But each book keeps getting longer, darker and more adult in tone. Meanwhile, their actors are ALSO getting more adult. That's the first thing that struck me when watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix . As the credits finish, the camera swoops down to eventually find Harry sitting on a swing in the park and the first thing I thought was "look how freaking OLD he's gotten!" Not that he's old, of course. But he's certainly not the fifteen year old you're expecting. He's too tall, too mature, for the role. Fortunately, within minutes you forget about it. Partly, it's because all the REST of the 'kids' in the movie have grown up as well, so there's a consistency that makes it easier to accept t...
in my NOT so humble opinion
My rants, raves, comments and criticism—movies, games, politics or the weather. Whatever strikes me at the time.