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Ben Affleck, Kiss of Death?

I saw countless previews articles on Hollywoodland that talked about Affleck playing Superman (George Reeves, actually, but they apparently loved that angle). But it's opening tomorrow, and he's conspicuously absent from all the media… no mention or screen time in the TV spots, no mention in the radio spots (even though they do play a brief clip of him in those), and they've even redesigned the posters from the first one I saw to move his pic into the background.

I understand that, with the whole Hollywood noir approach to the story, his role might be a relatively minor one. Let's face it… he's gonna die off early in the film, so he'll probably be seen more in flashbacks than anything else. But it's still gotta suck to have a major role in this film, BEEN a marquee name for years and find yourself not even getting mentioned in any of the ads.

I've never been a huge Affleck fan (and I'm beginning to wonder who, outside of Kevin Smith, ever really was), but this seems kinda harsh.


Anonymous said…
He won't be absent anymore. He won Best Actor at the Venice Film Fest.
Cyfiere said…
I HEARD that! Good for him!

I didn't get to it this weekend (saw The Illusionist instead), but I'm hoping to this week.
Anonymous said…
LOVED the Illusionist, though I think it would have been more powerful if it had ended as predicted. However, it was pretty good and worked for me with the ending. Worked great.

I enjoyed Hollywoodland and thought Affleck was pretty good. I was surprised. I would have liked more of the mystery, but I imagine there wasn't too much more. However, I now want to do some research into the event.

Looking forward to Dahlia this weekend. I enjoy Aaron Eckhart.

Again, I remain, the UNKNOWN
Cyfiere said…
Yeah, I liked The Illusionist as well. And I enjoyed the ending… caught me off guard, as I thought the movie was headed a different way. But I liked it.

Can't wait to hear what you think of Dahlia.
Anonymous said…
Walked out.
Cyfiere said…
I was unimpressed, but I stuck it out to the end. It didn't help.