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Showing posts from July, 2006

Cobra Starship

Seriously... if the song is any indication, I am SO out. YouTube - Cobra Starship - Snakes on a Plane (bring it) Not that I was one of the S.O.A.P. faithful to begin with.

Amazing quote

"The body’s a downer, especially for boomers. If the body doesn’t have to be there, it frees us up to do what we want." MARK DUFFEY , who offers a funeral concierge service, on the trend toward cremation. "The body's a downer"? Seriously??? Wow! I mean "denial" doesn't even begin to cover that one.  

It's all Laurell Hamilton's fault

I go through phases in what I'm reading. I had an Arthurian legends phase, where I read virtually anything I could find set in that "universe". Years ago, I had a Mafia phase. Dragons, space opera, dark fantasy, Three Musketeers swashbucklers… I'm nothing if not eclectic. For the longest time now, it's been vampire fiction. I think Interview with the Vampire started it, but it could even have been Dracula itself (nothing like going to the source for this stuff). There've been some really great novels/series (Nancy Collins Sonja Blue series comes to mind) and some real stinkers (Sadly, pretty much anything from Anne Rice since Memnoch The Devil or, perhaps even worse, Brian Lumley's Necroscope novels). Suffice it to say, I've read a LOT of vampire fiction. A while back, someone suggested Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake novels. I'd seen the books before but hadn't been terribly inclined to pick any of them up. But since a friend had re...

You, Me and Little Man???

Middle of July, and the studios are already out? They must be, 'cause how the hell else do you explain the fact that the two big releases for this week are You, Me and Dupree and Little Man ? Seriously, do either of these look good to anyone? (Not really, says the review scores at Rotten Tomatoes, but I assume these are both review proof and the faithful will come out… whether it's the Wayan's Bros. aficionados or Owen's inexplicable female fan base.) All I can say is thank god A Scanner Darkly is going into wider release this weekend. At least there's something I can look forward to seeing.

Ah, Superman

I saw Superman Returns opening weekend and, overall, I enjoyed it. One thing I've got to say is that Brian Singer really "gets" the whole superhero genre. He showed it with the first two X-Men movies and he continues the trend here. (I can't help but wonder what X3 would have been like with Singer directing instead of Brett "things blow up good" Ratner running the show. Oh well.) But enjoying it doesn't necessarily translate into loving it. Singer understands that it's going to take more than lots of pyrotechnics and fancy flying stunts to carry the movie and that there needs to be an emotional core to these films to really sell the story. And boy, is there an emotional core to this one. So much so that the action almost takes a back seat to Superman's loves and losses, as Lex Luthor gets relegated to "b story" and near-comic relief status. Which is kind of unfortunate, since Spacey is obviously having such a great time playing Lex. I...

Hooray for the Supreme Court

I'd be remiss in my Bush bashing if I didn't acknowledge this item. Supreme Court Blocks Guantanamo Tribunals Those of us who found the Bush administration's "The Constitution is not a suicide pact" justification for it's power-grab programs should be glad to see that the Supreme Court disagrees (and not just on the question of tribunals, apparently). Not that I'm under any illusions Congress won't rubber stamp any program the Pres brings to them, but it IS an election year and they've shown themselves to be nothing if not "responsive to public opinion" (read that with all the sarcasm you can muster and you'll get close to my intent). Stranger things have happened. &mbsp;