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Another reason to change the station

When I first heard Avenged Sevenfold on KROQ a few months ago, I was struck by how bad they were. 'My god,' I thought, 'another wanta-be 80's hair band!' And I immediately changed the station. Time has not mellowed this reaction… if anything, my response time has gotten better, as I can recognize one of their songs in fewer notes and change the station that much faster.

Then I recently read somewhere that they were being compared to Guns 'n Roses, thus reinforcing my original opinion of their music. I mean, do we REALLY need 80's headbanger rock today? (Judging from their lamentable success, I guess the answer is yes. But I don't have to like it. Nor listen to it.)

Finally, this week on KROQ they were featured in their daily music news, talking about the Christian themes in their music. And I realized they're not just a a god-awful want-be 80's hair band… they're a god-awful, born again, wanta-be 80's hair band.

Like I said. All the more reason to change the station.
