I saw Munich the other day. I don't watch many "political" films (at least, the obviously political ones). I think I get too wrapped up in them and find that my opinions and feelings are a little too intense to separate the movie-going experience from the politics of the movie. Either I agree with the movie's point of view, and find myself angered by the things the movie is speaking out against, or I disagree with the movie's POV and I'm angered by that. So it's a no-win situation that I'd just as soon avoid. I'm not quite sure what I expected when I went to see this one. I'd heard all the positive reviews and critical raves, and bought into all the Spielbergian hype: "Hey, he's doing a serious movie, we'd better take it seriously!" I cannot explain my reaction, but when I left that movie, I was livid. I've tried for a few days now to reduce my reaction to something definable. It's not the politics of the film, per se...
in my NOT so humble opinion
My rants, raves, comments and criticism—movies, games, politics or the weather. Whatever strikes me at the time.