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The Triumph of the Mediocre

And no, for once I'm not talking about the President…

I saw Flightplan last Friday. 2 weeks at number 1, beating out Serenity in its second week, and the number two movie this week, right behind Wallace & Gromit, for a grand total of over $63 million and counting. And all I could think after seeing it was how undeserving of that kind of success this movie is.

It's got the requisite Big Name stars… Jodie Foster, Sean Bean and Peter Sarsgaard are all fine and give the kind of performances you'd expect from these actors. And, while the directing might be adequate, the story is anything but. It starts out all right, but by the time you get to the second or third plot twist—assuming you're still paying attention—credibility has been strained way beyond the breaking point, even for movies like this that habitually strain your credibility. The ENTIRE set up for the "bad guys" nefarious plan is so absurd as to leave you wondering if anyone was paying attention when they wrote it. You KNOW they weren't when they filmed it.

Meanwhile, Serenity, one of my favorite movies of the year so far, languished in second place on its opening weekend and dropped to eighth place in its second weekend. Somewhere at Universal, there's an accountant shaking his head, thinking "I told you so" as he checks the box that says "NO" under "sequel options".
