Timely, huh? It's only been a couple of weeks since the Awards and I'm just now talking about them.
But really, what was there to say? Lord of the Rings swept everything it was nominated for (deservedly so). Charlize Theron, RenĂ©e Zellweger, Sean Penn, Tim Robbins… the biggest surprise of the evening was that there simply weren't any surprises. (There's usually one award that just seems to come out of nowhere—well, as "out of nowhere" as an award can be when you already know the 5 nominees. But this time the favorites seemingly took them all.)
But I'm thumbing through the wrap-up on the Awards in Entertainment Weekly and discover that the incredibly annoying Billy Bush—the clown in the Kodak theatre annoying all the celebrities with some of the most aggravatingly pointless pre-show filler ever—is the President's freaking cousin! Jesus, can't this family do ANYTHING that doesn't piss me off? (Sorry, Jeff, I know you thought this was a movie thing and here I sideswiped you with politics! I'll have to work on that.)
Admittedly, Billy's not quite up to Joan Rivers level for annoying and pointless shtick, but he's young—he's got plenty of time to perfect those skills. Hopefully everyone's noticed just how bad he is and he won't be making a return visit next year. But you never know… E! keeps dragging Joan back out there. We could be subjected to more of this moron for years to come. Well, at least until he can get his chance to run for office and screw things up on a national level. Ah, the wonderful things we have to look forward to.
But really, what was there to say? Lord of the Rings swept everything it was nominated for (deservedly so). Charlize Theron, RenĂ©e Zellweger, Sean Penn, Tim Robbins… the biggest surprise of the evening was that there simply weren't any surprises. (There's usually one award that just seems to come out of nowhere—well, as "out of nowhere" as an award can be when you already know the 5 nominees. But this time the favorites seemingly took them all.)
But I'm thumbing through the wrap-up on the Awards in Entertainment Weekly and discover that the incredibly annoying Billy Bush—the clown in the Kodak theatre annoying all the celebrities with some of the most aggravatingly pointless pre-show filler ever—is the President's freaking cousin! Jesus, can't this family do ANYTHING that doesn't piss me off? (Sorry, Jeff, I know you thought this was a movie thing and here I sideswiped you with politics! I'll have to work on that.)
Admittedly, Billy's not quite up to Joan Rivers level for annoying and pointless shtick, but he's young—he's got plenty of time to perfect those skills. Hopefully everyone's noticed just how bad he is and he won't be making a return visit next year. But you never know… E! keeps dragging Joan back out there. We could be subjected to more of this moron for years to come. Well, at least until he can get his chance to run for office and screw things up on a national level. Ah, the wonderful things we have to look forward to.