Time off for movies…
So I took a week off from work to just get away from it, relax, read a book or two, catch up on some movies and just generally do nothing that could be construed as productive. And I’ve pretty much succeeded. (Oh sure, I’ve signed up for a class at SMC and attended the first night, and I’ve done some chores around the house, but I’ve generally avoided the whole productive thing.)
I have managed to catch up on a couple of movies I’ve been meaning to see—one I haven’t seen and a couple I saw ages ago… and it’s been an exercise in frustration and disappointment. (Though I think I’ve gotten over that by now.)
Punch Drunk Love was one I was looking forward to earlier this year. Sure, it had Adam Sandler in it, which is usually reason enough for me to stay away (Mr. Deeds, anyone?). But Paul Thomas Anderson directs it, and I thought both Boogie Nights & Magnolia were fascinating films, so I figured I’d overlook the Sandl...
in my NOT so humble opinion
My rants, raves, comments and criticism—movies, games, politics or the weather. Whatever strikes me at the time.