I'd stopped reading comics long before they grew up in the 90's, but Batman had always been one of my favorite comic book heroes. I've been rediscovering his darker side ever since learning about Frank Miller's Dark Knight comics several years ago, and have been regularly picking up graphic novels and compilations of Batman comics since then. Some good, some not so much, they've all been fun reads. Joker, of course, being Batman's iconic arch nemesis, fills nearly as many of these novels as the Batman does. Recently I picked up " The Joker: The Greatest Stories Ever Told ", a compilation of Joker stories that span the entire existence of Batman comics, from his introduction in Batman #1 through to stories from this past decade. One of the interesting things about this compilation is watching the way the comics mature. The earliest ones, for all their dark undertones, are rather light-hearted (and, in fact, I realized that the kitschy '60's ...