I've driven in Southern California my entire life and, while I am aware of the law requiring drivers to pass on the left, I'm also well aware that this is a law most often "honoured in the breach" than the observance. (Frankly, I'm as guilty of this as anyone, happy to zip past slower moving traffic in the right lane whenever things bog down on those inside lanes. [Let's face it… I've probably never met a speed limit I didn't like to break.] In fact, there's a section of the 5 near our house where I simply assume the right lane is the passing lane and dodge the incoming merging traffic as I cruise past the slower moving lanes to my left.) I've seen the left lane treated as a passing lane in other states (drivers routinely move out of that lane after passing slower moving cars), but that may simply not be practical here, especially on LA freeways… LA traffic is, arguably, too consistently hectic to keep a lane open as a passing lane. But I don...
in my NOT so humble opinion
My rants, raves, comments and criticism—movies, games, politics or the weather. Whatever strikes me at the time.