What better words to describe 4 days in Vegas? We had moments of each, I think, last week. Ridiculous would be the "security check-in" at Bellagio. I don't spend much time there… way too high on the pretentious meter for me. But there was an Ansel Adams exhibition in their art gallery that Dani wanted to see, so before we left town on Saturday, we stopped by the casino. Driving into the self-park tower, we were stopped at a security checkpoint, where we were asked to open the trunk so they could examine it. The car ahead of us was stopped and "examined" and it took them all of about 2 seconds. Our time was about the same. It almost took longer to stop and pop the trunk open then it did for the officer to "examine" its contents. I'm thinking that, unless terrorists are carrying boxes marked "Danger! Explosives!" that security check's unlikely to accomplish much. La Reve may not be my favorite Cirque style show in Vegas (that would be ...
in my NOT so humble opinion
My rants, raves, comments and criticism—movies, games, politics or the weather. Whatever strikes me at the time.