No, I'm not talking about the latest moron, whoever he may be, who's decided to recreate that "really cool" scene from Jackass: The Movie . Frankly, I've got a very Darwinian attitude towards this stuff. I figure if you're not smart enough to be able to tell movies from real life, then I can only hope you manage to off yourself before breeding thus sparing us (and the gene pool) your excessive stupidity. No, this is more for the idiot statements I keep hearing coming from movie directors that keep embracing bad ideas because they're more "real". The most blatant example of that these days has to be the dread handheld camera. Steadicam exists for a reason, people, but for some reasons, directors like this seem to think it's "more real" or "more immediate" if they're jerking the camera around so you can't focus on anything for minutes on end. I assume it comes from the world of documentary and news footage, but fra...
in my NOT so humble opinion
My rants, raves, comments and criticism—movies, games, politics or the weather. Whatever strikes me at the time.