So it's been a busy month and I haven't had much time for blogging… doesn't mean a few things haven't crossed my path that I haven't had thoughts on.
So, am I supposed to respect Dick Cheney now? Early this week, Cheney "broke ranks" with the Pres to say that he doesn't support a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, that it should be a state-by-state decision and that he's always felt that " freedom means freedom for everybody ". The backstory here is that one of Cheney's daughters is a lesbian (who happens to work for the Bush/Cheney campaign— my comments on revising posts after the fact, here ) and he's very familiar with, and apparently sympathetic to, the debate because of this.
So here, all along, while I've been assuming Cheney's one of the "bad guys" it's really been Bush and Ashcroft (and, presumably, other members of the Bush team) that have decided the Constitution's "not ...
in my NOT so humble opinion
My rants, raves, comments and criticism—movies, games, politics or the weather. Whatever strikes me at the time.